WEST FAMILY CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Mountain Rest, SC Version 2.0, 11-Oct2014, C232.TXT, C232 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 TRANSCRIPTION .. : David S. Payne at otime1@yahoo.com in May-2002 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Cemetery is located on the private property of Jack Lombard, 851 Highway 107, Mountain Rest, SC 29664, 864-638-2662. Find intersection of Highways 28 & 107. Drive 4.2 miles NW on Highway 28. Turn left on Bottoms Road (dirt). Drive 0.2 miles until you come to a pile of wood on your right. Turn right and drive to gate. Open & close gate and drive straight until you come to another gate. There are cows and cow-pies in this meadow. Open & close the metal gate. Drive straight until you come to a barbwire gate. Open & close the barbwire gate. Stay to your right and drive up the hill (Truck or SUV required). You will see a large Lombard tombstone on your left and a another road that circles back down the hill. Park. The West cemetery is about 100' down this down-road & to the right. Latitude N34 53.694 x Longitude W83 06.912 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ Property was originally owned by the West family and then purchased by Jack Lombard. It's speculated that the parents and grandparents of john r. west are buried here. It's also possible that William Welch, of Stumphouse Tunnel construction fame, is buried here - reference cemetery profile C268. Family information submitted by David Payne: ------------------------------------------- Descendants of Solomon Redmon West, Generation No. 1 1. SOLOMON REDMON1 WEST, * was born Abt. 1765. He married JANE. Notes for SOLOMON REDMON WEST, *: 1790 Newberry Census a Sol R. West with 1 male over 16. 1800 Pendleton Dist Census W230 WEST Elizabeth M-032 050 16 00000- 12010-00 No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Hannah M-032 050 29 10100- 02001-00 No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Josiah M-032 050 29 00200- 01001-00 No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Solomon M-032 050 14 30010- 01011-00 No Twp. Listed 1810 Pendleton Census page 157a/321: 20100-22000-00 SOME 2,264 H/H "TAX" RECORDS - 1843 For persons living in presant-day: ANDERSON CO. - Formed 1826 (Pendleton) W230 WEST Elizabeth TaxR 000 000 NdRcd No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Isaac TaxR 000 000 NdRcd No Twp. Listed W230 WEST John TaxR 000 000 NdRcd No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Robert TaxR 000 000 NdRcd No Twp. Listed W230 WEST Solomon TaxR 000 000 NdRcd No Twp. Listed Greenville Co. SC Deed Bk C p. 271 John West from Soloman West, 1789, 100 acres, A. Grant of Thomas Wood. DB B; p.251-252 22 Nov 1792 John Patterson, planter, to Solomon Redman West. 50#'s. 175 acres, part of 200 on Golden's Crk, water of the Keowee R. Tract granted William Hallum on 5 Jun 1786 and recorded in Book LLLL, p.144. Bounded by Richard Golding Wit: Abraham Campbell, LittleBerry (X) Roch, David (X) Ward. Roch made oath to J.B. Earle, CPC, on 24 Mar 1794. Deed recorded the same day. DB F, p.206-207 5 Feb 1801 Solomon West & Jane his wife, to Henry Garner. $264. 54 acres, part of 200 granted to William Hallum on 5 Jun 1786. On Golden's Creek. Signed: Solomon West, Jane West Wit: John (J) Patterson, Henry (+) Phinny [or Phinry] Patterson made oath to Basil Hallum JP on 6 Mar 1801 and deed recorded on 9 Mar 1801. DB G, p. 417-418 21 Jan 1803 Solomon West to John Chapman. $400. 140 acres granted 6 Jun 1786 on Golden's Creek of 12 Mile River. Bounded by Joseph Chapman. Signed: Solomon (x) West. Wit: John Eubanks, Wm Hubbard Jean (x) West, wife of Solomon, released her dower to John Willson QU on 1 Mar 1803 Wm Hubbard made oath to Willson on the same day. Recorded 27 Jan 1804. Pendleton District General Sessions Minutes 1823 Source: LDS Microfilm # 0022874 at the LDS Library in Greenville, S. C. 4th Monday 24 day of March 1823 Ordered that a Writ of Veniri Facias do issue to the Sheriff Of Pendleton District Commanding him to ? the foregoing Ordered that the names of twenty-one persons be drawn to Serve the District of Pendleton as Grand Jurors at the next term. When the following were drawn. 1 George Verner, 2 Robert Burton, 3 Jacob Vesage, 4 Jonathan West, 5 Solomon West, 6 Elijah Dean, 7 John Whitten, 8 Hally Vandever, 9 Charles Pitts, 10 William Houston, 11 John Hall, 12 John Hunnicutt, 13 George Stanton, 14 Reuben Dollar, 15 Anderson A Cobb, 16 Hugh Harkens, 17 Sampson Barnett, 18 William Webb, 19 Willis Walking, 20 John Merritt, 21 John Verner, 22 Thomas Bailey, 23 Andrew Davis, 24 David Duncan. Ordered that a Writ of Venire Fiacias do give to the Sheriff of Pendleton District commanding him to summon the above named persons. p. 242 Jonathan Whitten. Deed from Jonathan Whitten. Book A-l page 236. Probate Judge Office. Pickens, S. C. I Jonathan Whitten of Pendleton Dist. in consideration of $300 paid by David Sloan of the same Dist. have granted, bargained, sold and released all that tract of land where-on I now live containing 413 acres, on a branch between Solomon West and Philip Cox line, also on Todd line. Dated 16 Mar. 1829. Wit: Johnathan Rochester, William D. Sloan. Signed: Jonathan X Whitten. Recorded 10 Feb. 1830. West-Whorton Deed A COLLECTION OF UPPER SC GENEALOGICAL AND FAMILY RECORDS Vol. 1 p.243 Benjamin Whorton. Deed of Benjamin Whorton. Book I, page 170. Clerk of Court Office, Anderson, S. C. This indenture made between Benjamin Whorton of Pendleton Dist. and Solomon West of Jackson Co., Ga. In consideration of $400 have granted, sold, bargained, and released all that tract of land lying on a prong of Cain Creek waters of Keowee River. Adj. land of Philip Cox. Dated 29 Oct. 1806. Wit: William McFarland, Cleveland X Coffee. Signed: Benjamin Whorton. Proved 22 Dec. 1807. Book 1 Page 170 STATE OF SO. CAROLINA PENDLETON DISTRICT BENJAMIN WHARTON TO SOLOMON WEST 350 ACRES ON CANE CREEK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, Benjamin Wharton of. the State of Georgia & Jackson County for & in consideration of the sum of. Four Hundred. Dollars to me in hand paid by Solomon West of the state of South Carolina & Pendleton District have granted, bargained, sold and released & by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Solomon West all that tract plantation or parcel of land lying & being in the State & District aforesaid on a prong of Cain Creek waters of. Keowee River Beginning at a stake on a branch the conditional line between said Wharton and Philip Cox running thence S.15 E.40 chains to a pine stump and points thence S.73 E.26 chains to a post oak. thence S.41 W.13 chains to a gum thence S.50 E.23 chains. to a stake thence. S.82 E.18 chains & 50 links to a stake at the head of a branch thence down the same to a stake thence N.12 E.4 chains & 50 links to a spanish oak thence N.30 S.20 chains to a hickory thence N.65 W.25 chains to a pine knot thence N.40 W.36 chains & fifty links to a stake thence N.l7 E.22 chains to a pine thence Cox's line to the beginning, containing three hundred & fifty acres be the same more or less. Together with. All & singular the rights members hereditaments & appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all & singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Solonon West his heirs executors administrators & assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors administrators and assigns to warrent & forever defend all & singular the said premises unto the said Solomon West his heirs executors administrators and assigns against myself my heirs and assigns & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming any part or parcel thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th.day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & six and thirty first year of American Independence. The words, thence down the same to a stake was interlined before signed. Sealed & acknowledged in presence of ) William McFarland ) Ben.Wharton (Seal) his ) Cleveland x Coffee ) mark ) Child of SOLOMON WEST and JANE is: 2. i. JOHN SOLOMON2 WEST, REV., *, b. 1798, SC; d. Jul 21, 1889, Oconee Co. SC. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN SOLOMON2 WEST, REV., * (SOLOMON REDMON1) was born 1798 in SC, and died Jul 21, 1889 in Oconee Co. SC. He married ELIZABETH A. "BETTY" REED, *, daughter of ARCHIBALD REED and MARY CHERRY. She was born Nov 08, 1796 in NC, and died 1875 in Oconee Co. SC. Notes for JOHN SOLOMON WEST, REV., *: Cousin Jim Green said the Wests came from thru Columbia to homestead some land in Pendleton District SC. Also he was a Herb Doctor and pulled teeth along with being a preacher and Blacksmith. 1850 Pickens Dist. SC census Pg. 37-390a, House 274-283 Oconee Co. SC John West 50 M Blacksmith Elizabeth 53 F Jane 30 F Mary 27 F Hannah 26 F Solomon 25 M Blacksmith James 23 M Farmer Martha 20 F John E. 18 M Robert 16 M Cinthia 15 F Sarah 11 F CENSUS YR: 1860 STATE or TERRITORY: MO COUNTY: Pickens DIVISION: 2nd Regiment REEL NO: 653-1225 PAGE NO: 44b REFERENCE: June 28, 1860 by Wm H. Stribling, Whetstone Postoffice LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE 9 678 678 WEST John 62 M W Bapt. Minister 2,000 520 SC 10 678 678 WEST Elizabeth A. 63 F W No Ca X 11 678 678 WEST Jane 41 F W SC 12 678 678 WEST Mary 38 F W SC X 13 678 678 WEST Martha 32 F W SC X 14 678 678 WEST Robert 26 M W Farming SC 15 679 679 WEST Solomon 36 M W Farmer 100 SC 16 679 679 WEST Harriet 28 F W SC 17 679 679 WEST Sarah E. 7 F W SC 18 679 679 WEST James M. 5 M W SC 19 679 679 WEST Berry B. 2 M W SC [Next Door to his daughter Hannah Chastain] 1870 Pickens Co., SC. census, White Water Twp. page 13, 7/25/1870, #134 # 6 John West 72 M, SC Farmer E. A. 73 F, NC Keeping House Mary 44 F, SC Martha 40 F, SC 1880 Pickens Co., SC. census, White Water Twp. # 96 West, John M 82 Farmer, widower Jane F 60 daughter, keeping house, widow Mary F 57 daughter Martha F 54 daughter S. Ann F 40 daughter Angel M 27 son, Farmer Kissiah F 18 daughter 1880 Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace John WEST Self M Male W 82 SC Farmer SC SC Jane WEST Dau W Female W 60 SC Keeping House SC SC Mary WEST Dau S Female W 57 SC At Home SC SC Martha WEST Dau S Female W 52 SC At Home SC SC S.Ann WEST Dau S Female W 40 SC At Home SC SC Angel WEST Son S Male W 27 SC Farming SC SC Kissiah WEST Dau S Female W 18 SC At Home SC SC Source Information: Census Place Whitewater, Oconee, South Carolina Family History Library Film 1255236 NA Film Number T9-1236 Page Number 444C West Family Cemetery Oconee Co. SC The West Family Cemetery is located on original West land which is now owned by Jack Lombard, 851 Hwy 107 Mountain Rest, SC, 29664, 864-638-2662 just a few miles north of Oconee State Park. His home is built around the West Cabin just north of The Bottoms Rd. on Hwy 107 and the cemetery is behind his home on a hill. Turn west on Bottoms Rd. and go to the right thru a gate and follow the road thru another gate and cemetery is on a hill on the left in the forest. Marked stones are as follows John R. [Redmon] West, b. 8/9/1831 d. 4/13/1895 Dicy M. West, b. 4 17 1837 Rhoda O. West, b. 5/30/1877 d. 10/11/1895 Otis P., b. 1/29/1900 d. 9/17/1901 Hannah Chastain [sister of John R. West], d. 4/6/1889 Bety Jo Henry Lombard [wife of Jack], b. 9/29/1934 d. 3/25/1999 There are many unmarked stones in the cemetery and we are told from family stories, handed down thru the generations, that John R West's parents are buried there too and possibly his grandparents. Transcribed by: David S. Payne 1614 Chapman Rd. Anderson, SC 19621 864-225-3253 otime1@yahoo.com More About JOHN SOLOMON WEST, REV., *: Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 Kinship 1: "jean neal" Kinship 2: "steve pearson" Occupation 1: Pastored Bethlehem Baptist Ch. Mountain Rest, SC Occupation 2: Blacksmith More About ELIZABETH A. "BETTY" REED, *: Date born 2: Nov 13, 1793, As per OPD gedcom Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 Kinship: "jean neal" Children of JOHN WEST and ELIZABETH REED are: i. JANE3 WEST, b. 1820, SC; d. Jan 04, 1883; m. EVAN JOHN NICHOLSON; b. Abt. 1813, Pendleton District, SC; d. Abt. 1875, Dallas Co. AL, Marshall. Notes for EVAN JOHN NICHOLSON: Census Year: 1840 State: Georgia County: Rabun Page No: 210 Reel No: M704-49 Division: District 452 Enumerated by: Elijah Coffee 17 Evan Nicholson Males: 1[0-5], 1[20-30], females: 1[0-5], 1[20-30] with 2 slaves 1850 Census Rabun Co., GA page 675 (339b-340a), 15th Decr. 1850, 552 G. M. D. 41 345 345 Nicholson Evan 37 m Farmer 2500 SC Susan 36 f SC Martha M. 14 f SC Ira K?. 11 m Jemima 8 f Evan 6 m 1880 Census Place Moccasin, Rabun, Georgia Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Evan J. NICHOLSON Self S Male W 27 GA Farmer SC SC Elisabeth NICHOLSON Sister S Female W 25 GA Keeping House SC SC Harriet NICHOLSON Sister S Female W 23 GA At Home SC SC Martha NICHOLSON Sister S Female W 21 GA At Home SC SC Lulah E. NICHOLSON Sister S Female W 19 GA At Home SC SC Roxanna NICHOLSON Sister S Female W 18 GA At Home SC SC Balus NICHOLSON Brother S Male W 16 GA Works On Farm SC SC Andrew FOWLER Other S Male W 15 GA Hired On Farm GA GA Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254162 NA Film Number T9-0162 Page Number 63C Descendants of Evan J. Nicholson 1 Evan J. NICHOLSON b: Abt. 1813 in Pendleton District, South Carolina d: Abt. 1875 in Marshall, Dallas County, Alabama ..+Susan HOLDEN b: Abt. 1815 d: May 23, 1861 2 Martha M. NICHOLSON b: Abt. 1836 in South Carolina ..+S. J. HERNDON m: Bef. 1860 2 Ira R. NICHOLSON b: Abt. 1839 in South Carolina 2 Jemina NICHOLSON b: Abt. 1842 ..+B. F. HOLDEN m: September 17, 1857 Will: From Rabun County, GA on the SC bank of the Chattooga River 2 Evan A. NICHOLSON b: Abt. 1844 in Georgia ..+Martha UNKNOWN 2 Mary NICHOLSON b: February 08, 1852 d: May 24, 1936 Burial: Double Springs Methodist Church, above Mt. Rest, Oconne County, South Carolina ..+Jasper Samuel CALLAS b: October 29, 1849 d: August 17, 1929 Burial: Double Springs Methodist Church, above Mt. Rest, Oconne County, South Carolina Father: William CALLAS Mother: Lucy MORGAN Will: Twin to Newton S. Callas 2 William R. NICHOLSON b: 1856 d: 1925 2 Winneford NICHOLSON b: 1858 ..+Silas HINKLE b: February 20, 1838 d: September 02, 1918 in buried at Old Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Jocassee. Burial: Old Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Jocassee. *2nd Wife of Evan J. NICHOLSON: ..+Jane WEST b: Abt. 1820 in SC d: January 04, 1883 Father: John WEST From: Janet Clyburn More About EVAN JOHN NICHOLSON: Kinship: Tammy Stiwinter 3. ii. ARCHBALD WEST, b. 1821; d. CSA, Killed in Civil War. iii. MARY WEST, b. 1823, SC. 4. iv. HANNAH WEST, b. 1824, Pendleton Dist. SC; d. Apr 06, 1889, Oconee Co. SC. 5. v. JOB SOLOMON WEST, b. 1825, SC; d. of smallpox during the Civil War in SC. vi. JAMES WEST, b. 1827; d. CSA. vii. MARTHA WEST, b. 1830, SC. 6. viii. JOHN (E.) REDMOND WEST, *, b. Aug 09, 1831, Oconee Co. SC; d. Apr 19, 1895, Oconee Co. SC of typhoid. ix. ROBERT WEST, b. 1834, SC; d. CSA. x. CYNTHIA WEST, b. 1835. xi. SARAH A. WEST, b. 1839; m. BARKER. Notes for SARAH A. WEST: Jim Green's grandmother. Generation No. 3 3. ARCHBALD3 WEST (JOHN SOLOMON2, SOLOMON REDMON1) was born 1821, and died in CSA, Killed in Civil War. He married SUSAN C.. She was born 1826, and died Sep 18, 1892 in Oconee Co. SC. Notes for ARCHBALD WEST: 1850 Pickens Co., SC census. Pg. 37, House 175-284 Oconee Co. SC Archibald West 29 M Farmer Susan C. 24 F John J. 2 M Martha 1 F CENSUS YR: 1860 STATE or TERRITORY: MO COUNTY: Pickens DIVISION: 2nd Regiment REEL NO: 653-1225 PAGE NO: 43b REFERENCE: June 27, 1860 by Wm H. Stribling, White, House # 666 LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE 26 666 666 WEST A. 39 M W Farmer 200 360 SC . . . . . 27 666 666 WEST Susan C. 34 F W . . . SC . . . . . 28 666 666 WEST John J. 12 M W . . . SC . . . . . 29 666 666 WEST Martha J. 11 F W . . . SC . . . . . 30 666 666 WEST Mary E. 9 F W . . . SC . . . . . 31 666 666 WEST James S. 7 M W . . . SC . . . . . 32 666 666 WEST Sarah M. 4 F W . . . SC More About SUSAN C.: Burial: Bethlehem Baptist Church Children of ARCHBALD WEST and SUSAN C. are: i. JOHN JASPER4 WEST, b. 1848. ii. MARTHA J. WEST, b. 1849. iii. ELLEN WEST, b. Aft. 1850. Notes for ELLEN WEST: From: "Lisa Hudgens" To: otime1@yahoo.com CC: lhudgens@bak.rr.com Subject: ellen West Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 18:25:39 -0700 David, I hate to say this but I don't think that we are talking about the same Ellen West, My aunt has documentation showing that she is full blooded Choktaw indian. They also have pictures of her in full indian dress. and i did find her on the dawes rolls under Ellen Cantrell. apparently she had a house built for her on the Choktaw reservation. thank you for your help. sorry that we did not make a connection. Lisa iv. MARY E. WEST, b. Dec 28, 1850; d. Oct 29, 1903. More About MARY E. WEST: Burial: Bethlehem Baptist Church 4. HANNAH3 WEST (JOHN SOLOMON2, SOLOMON REDMON1) was born 1824 in Pendleton Dist. SC, and died Apr 06, 1889 in Oconee Co. SC. She married THOMAS JEFFERSON CHASTAIN Mar 14, 1858, son of WILLIAM CHASTAIN and ANNIE MOATES. He was born Abt. 1839, and died Jun 27, 1862 in CSA, Battle of Gaines Mill, VA. Notes for HANNAH WEST: 1870 Oconee Co., SC. White Water Twp. Chastain, H. 47F Keeping house Theodosia 11F Mary M. 9F More About HANNAH WEST: Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 Kinship: "steve pearson" Notes for THOMAS JEFFERSON CHASTAIN: Chastain, Thomas; Pvt.; E Orr's Ri.; Pickens; died 6/27/1862 at Gaine's Mill, VA; Killed in Action; Source ROH, JR, CDC CENSUS YR: 1860 STATE or TERRITORY: MO COUNTY: Pickens DIVISION: 2nd Regiment REEL NO: 653-1225 PAGE NO: 44b REFERENCE: June 28, 1860 by Wm H. Stribling, Whetstone Postoffice [Next Door to her father] LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. REAL VAL. PERS VAL. BIRTHPLACE 20 680 680 CHASTAIN Thos 21 M W Farmer . . SC 21 680 680 CHASTAIN Hannah 30 F W . . . SC 22 680 680 CHASTAIN Theodore 2 M W . . . SC More About THOMAS JEFFERSON CHASTAIN: Kinship: "steve pearson" More About THOMAS CHASTAIN and HANNAH WEST: Marriage: Mar 14, 1858 Children of HANNAH WEST and THOMAS CHASTAIN are: i. THEODOSIA E.4 CHASTAIN, b. Dec 31, 1858, Pickens Dist. SC; d. Jul 18, 1911, Anderson Co. SC; m. JAMES ENOS SCRUGGS; b. 1856, NC. Notes for JAMES ENOS SCRUGGS: Source of information from Bonnie Suell of Piedmont SC. Found in her book "Our Green Family" Children of THEODOSIA CHASTAIN and JAMES SCROGGS are: i. WILLIAM JACKSON6 SCROGGS, b. November 20, 1878; m. ARTIE GRANT; b. Unknown. ii. MARTHA ELZARY SCROGGS, b. June 23, 1880; m. JOHN ANDERSON; b. Unknown. iii. HANNAH LUZETTA SCROGGS, b. October 20, 1882; m. ALBERT HEAD; b. Unknown. iv. ALFRED PALASKY SCROGGS, b. September 19, 1884; m. MARTHA PRIDMORE; b.Unknown. v. THOMAS JEFFERSON SCROGGS, b. 1887; m. LILLIE HEAD; b. Unknown. vi. LEE ANNA SCROGGS, b. 1890; m. EDGAR H. SCROGGS; b. Unknown. ii. MARY MELINDA CHASTAIN, b. Sep 02, 1860, Pickens Dist. SC; d. Jan 09, 1939, Anderson Co. SC; m. SAMUEL MARION GREEN, Nov 29, 1877; b. May 08, 1853, Macon Co. NC; d. Jan 22, 1941, Anderson Co. SC, Honea Path. More About MARY MELINDA CHASTAIN: Burial: Eastview Cemetery in Honea Path SC. Kinship: "steve pearson" More About SAMUEL MARION GREEN: Burial: Eastview Cemetery in Honea Path SC. Kinship: "steve pearson" More About SAMUEL GREEN and MARY CHASTAIN: Marriage: Nov 29, 1877 5. JOB SOLOMON3 WEST (JOHN SOLOMON2, SOLOMON REDMON1) was born 1825 in SC, and died in of smallpox during the Civil War in SC. He married HARRIETT NAOMI BARTON. She was born Feb 09, 1834 in SC, and died 1930. Notes for JOB SOLOMON WEST: 1860 Pickens District Western Division Census Whetstone Postoffice June 28, 1860 Pickens, SC 1860 Federal Census Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place 44b 15 WEST Solomon 36 SC Farmer P=100; 679 44b 16 WEST Harriet 28 SC 44b 17 WEST Sarah E. 7 SC 44b 18 WEST James M. 5 SC 44b 19 WEST Berry B. 2 SC Trying to locate any info. on John Solomon West, who died in training camp near the beginning of Civil War. He was married to Harriet N. Barton, born feb 9, 1834, died 1930. Have no birth or dec. dates for John. She had 3 West children and later remarried to Elisha Johnson. David, thanks for replying to my query re: Solomon West. Indeed, it seems as if we may be linked. The info. that I have on John Solomon West, was that he was married to Harriet N. Barton,(b. Feb.9,1834 in S.C., d. 1930). John died in training camp near the beginning of the Civil War (no further info. available - this from my grandmother Alva West Eller's Bible, and that he and Harriet had 3 West children. She remarried later to Elisha Johnson. James Madison West, son of John S. and Harriet, born 2-6-1856, married Georgia Mindora Daniel and lived in Georgia. If I find any further info., will send it on to you. Thanks again for your help!!! Sincerely, Jean A. Eller Neal More About JOB SOLOMON WEST: Kinship: "jean neal" Occupation: Blacksmith More About HARRIETT NAOMI BARTON: Kinship: "jean neal" Children of JOB WEST and HARRIETT BARTON are: i. SARAH E.4 WEST, b. 1853, SC. ii. JAMES MADISON "MATT" WEST, b. Feb 06, 1856, SC; d. Nov 26, 1920; m. GEORGIA MINDORA DANIEL; b. Jun 23, 1862. Notes for JAMES MADISON "MATT" WEST: From: MarciaSews@aol.com To: otime@hotmail.com Subject: James Madison (Matt) West- Georgia M. Daniel Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 10:55:15 EDT Hello, My name is Marcia Smith Clark and I am granddaughter to subject couple through daughter Julia Texana. Matt and Georgia had thirteen children and some descendants still live in northern Georgia. e-mail is MarciaSews@aol.com and snail mail is Marcia Clark, 360 Elm Ave., Brighton, CO 80601 From: MarciaSews@aol.com Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 22:52:39 EDT Cousin David, This is the entry in "Rabun County, Georgia and Its People Vol 1". The information was submitted by Todd Madison Jarrett, ggrandson to James and Georgia from information gathered by Gail Smith Thompson, a cousin to Todd. WEST-DANIEL James Madison West was born, February 6, 1856, to Job Solomon and Harriet Naomi Barton West. He married, Georgia Mindoro Daniel, who was born June 23, 1862, the daughter of Job and Elizabeth Morrison Daniel. Matt and Georgia made their home in the area known as Powell Gap near Lake Burton with their farm located in a spot that is now covered by Lake Burton below Laurel Lodge Road. The building of the lake took their home and they moved closer to Clarksville. Matt was a farmer and horse trader. He is said to have been one of the best horse traders around at that time. He was a devout Baptist and was very strict on his children. His father Job (Solomon) is thought to have died of smallpox during the Civil War in a training camp in South Carolina. His mother, Harriet is to have married Elisha Johnson in 1868. Her granddaughter, Flora West, took her to California, by train, sometime in the early 1920's to live with a second son, Berry West. that was to have moved west. Nothing known of this part of the family. The children of Matt and Georgia totaled thirteen. The first being a daughter, Merinda Elizabeth, married Luther Jackson and they had two children. John Dillard was the second. He was born August 7, 1880, and died November 23, 1885, at the age of five. Harriet Delilah married John Baker and made their home in the Bridge Creek area, near Lake Burton. They raised four children. Willie Oscar married Cona Carson and are said to have had four daughters. Very little is known of Uncle Willie. Elisha Solomon was born February 14.1887 and died January 24, 1963. He graduated from Rabun Gap School, was in World War I, but never married. After the war he went north to Philadelphia and worked as a male nurse. In the late 1940s he returned to Clarksville where he died. Mary Naomi also attended and graduated from Rabun Gap. She was never married and died at the early age of 21. Pickney Marion was born February 4, 1891, and died October 18, 1894. He is buried at the cemetery below Laurel Lodge on Lake Burton. Julia Texana married Marvin Smith. She also graduated from Rabun Gap School. See their history also included in this publication. Berry Clement also died young and is buried alongside Pickney. Alva Camilia married Raleigh Eller. At this writing (1991) Aunt Alva is living in a nursing home in Florida. Roland Madison and Nola Mindoro were twins. Roland died at the age of three. Nola married Carlin West and they had one daughter. Flora Ollie married D J Smith, brother of Marvin. They had three children; Ailene, Jack (Jackson) and Shannon. Shannon married my father, Lee Jarrett of Rome, Georgia. submitted by Todd Madison Jarrett Reference: from the records of Gail S. Thompson Marcia again. I am the granddaughter of Julia and Marvin Houston Smith. They were married on Sept 14, 1913 at the home of Madison (Matt) and Georgia Daniels (sic) West who lived in the Southwest corner of Rabun County, now covered by Lake Burton. William FinCannon, J.P. performed the service witnessed by J. M. (Job) Baker, Julia's nephew and Alva West Eller, Julia's sister. this information was submitted to RCGIP by daughter Susie Belle (b 26 Feb 1927). She still lives on the property on Wolf Creek Church Road. Susie is third child. My daddy is Hugh Lamar (b 14 Apr 1918, d 17 Sep 1979), the fourth child. Thirteen were born, two died as children in the 1920s. Susie and 6th child Glenn Allen (b 18 Nov 1923, d 18 Aug 1988) never married. Julia died on 3 Apr 1980 and is buried at Wolf Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Rabun Co. next to Marvin who died on 14 Nov. 1968. I have sixteen or seventeen cousins who live all over the US. D J and Flora were married 31 Aug 1924. They had three children Jackson, (Gail's father), Ailene, and Shannon (Todd's mother). More About JAMES MADISON "MATT" WEST: Kinship 1: "jean neal" Kinship 2: Marcia Clark Occupation: farmer and horse trader Residence: Powell Gap near Lake Burton, Rabun Co. GA More About GEORGIA MINDORA DANIEL: Kinship 1: "jean neal" Kinship 2: Marcia Clark iii. BERRY BARTON WEST, b. Mar 05, 1859, SC; d. Mar 02, 1952, CA; m. MARGRET ELIZABETH DANIELS; b. Jan 26, 1864, AL; d. May 10, 1946, Merced Co. CA. Notes for BERRY BARTON WEST: "Rabun County, Georgia and Its People Vol 1" His mother, Harriet is to have married Elisha Johnson in 1868. Her granddaughter, Flora West, took her to California, by train, sometime in the early 1920's to live with a second son, Berry West. that was to have moved west. Nothing known of this part of the family. From: MarciaSews@aol.com Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 02:21:46 EST Subject: Berry Barton West To: otime1@yahoo.com Dear David: I found Uncle Berry listed in the California Death register. Here is the data California Death Records WEST BERRY BARTON 03/05/1859 WEST M SOUTH CAROLINA MERCED, CO 03/02/1952 92 yrs All the information fits, I do really believe that it's him. I am his brother Matt's great great granddaughter. Marcia Smith Clark. From: "HAAN DE" To: otime1@yahoo.com Subject: West Family Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:29:35 -0700 Hello David, I am Stacey van Riet my great great grandfather was Berry Barton West that lived in California and died in Merced county on March 2 1952, so I believe it is the same Berry B. West that is in your family tree. I have just got started with the family tree. I have more on the west family that was here in CA. bye , Stacey van Riet Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 20:59:55 -0700 Hi David, Here is the info on Berry`s Family; Berry Barton West, Born-March 5 1859 Died-March 2 1952 in Winton California,Merced County Married dated unknown, and place of marriage unknown- Berry`s Wife is Margaret Elizabeth Daniels, Born-January 26 1864 in Alabama, Died- May 10 1946 in Winton California, Merced County Children of Berry and Margaret are; John Madison West, Born July 24 1889 in Arkansas Died October 1982 in Santee,California San Diego County John`s first wife was Florence Emma Putney Marriage date and place unknown They had one child Alice Delores West Born-April 15 1915 in Auberry, California Died-December 3 1999 in Ripon, California Alice Married Gerrit van Riet Born-November 15 1908 in Sloterdijk,Amsterdam.The Netherlands Alice and Gerrit Married on August 18 1935 in Los Angeles,California , Alice and Gerrit had three sons- William John van Riet, Born July 3 1936 in Artesia, California, Married Barbara Joyce Koligian on September 16 1967 in Ripon, California, William and Barbara have two daughters Julie van Riet Born- unknown Married Loren Asera Born-unknown Julie and Loren Married July 17 1993 in Davis, California, Julie and Loren have three children. William and Barbara second daughter is Christine Kay van Riet Born-unknown, Married Thomas Lynn Ziegler on August 31 1996 in Modesto,California, Christine and Thomas have no children yet. Alice and Gerrit`s second son is, Gerrit Peter van Riet Born-October 31 1937 in Artesia,California Married Judi May De Boer Born-January 3 1942 in Luvenne,Minnesota Married- January 25 1963 in Ripon,California Gerrit and Judi have two Children, Paul Kevin van Riet Born-May 31 1966 in Manteca,California Married Darla Armae Prins Born-September 20 1967 in Escalon,California Married on March 6 1987 in Escalon,California Paul and Darla have three sons, Daniel Gerrit van Riet Born-March 1 1991 in Modesto,California, Colton Paul van Riet Born-February 18 1993 in Modesto,California Kyle Jordan van Riet Born-April 14 1995 in Fall River Mills,California. Gerrit and Judi`s second child is Carla Christine van Riet Born-May 2 1968 in Manteca,California Married Craig Walter De Jong Born-May 3 1966 in Modesto,California Married on November 14 1987 in Ripon,California Carla and Craig have three children, Blake Kenneth De Jong Born-February 8 1989 in Modesto,California Alicia Reanne De Jong Born-August 29 1991 in Modesto,California Kaylee Nicole De Jong Born-October 15 1993 in Modesto,California. Alice and Gerrit`s third son is Allan Ernest van Riet Born- September 30 1940 in Artesia,California Married Lequetta Jean Hunter Born-September 12 1934 in Pinevalley,Oklahoma Married September 5 1964 in Caron City,Nevada Allan and Lequetta have one child Stacey van Riet Born-December 13 1965 in Stockton,California Married Albert de Haan Born- March 19 1967 in Amsterdam,The Netherlands Married on July 6 1993 in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. Stacey and Albert have no children. John Madison West served in the US Navy from 1917-1921, John came home from the Navy to find his wife Florence pregnant from someone else so he took Alice and left, Alice never seen her mom again. John remarried to Grace E. Turner Born-June 19 1889 in Kentucky Married date and place unknown, Grace died-January 23 1969 in Los Angeles,California John and Grace had one child, Mildred West Born-1921 Berry and Margaret`s other Children, Cora Connie West Born-January 8 1899 in Arkansas Died-May 30 1995 in Atwater,California Married Felix P. Newstrom Born-February 2 1894 in Wisconsin Died-January 30 1975 in Atwater, California Merced County, Cora and Felix had one daughter Dorothea Newstrom Born-Unknown Around 1915-1916 Solomon Job West Born-June 28 1886 in Georgia, Died- March 11 1979 in Santee,California San Diego county Married to Annie McIntire Born-July 5 1888 in Pennsylvania, Died- May 16 1972 in Riverside,California Thomas J. West Born-July 29 1895 in Arkansas, Died-June 7 1980 in Fresno,California First wife was May don`t know May`s maiden name still working on it and don`t know the second wife`s name at all. Kezarah West- Don`t have anything on her Bessie West- Don`t have anything on her Here is what I have on the West Family and still trying to find information on the one`s that I don`t have any dates on. My Father said Berry would have probably lived alot longer but was hit by a car he doesn`t know if he was crossing the road or just waking on the side of it, it happened by Berry`s house he lived in the country. I also have some pictures of Berry and his family, I can scan them to you if you would like? I hope this information helps. Take Care, Stacey More About BERRY BARTON WEST: Residence: Went to CA 6. JOHN (E.) REDMOND3 WEST, * (JOHN SOLOMON2, SOLOMON REDMON1) was born Aug 09, 1831 in Oconee Co. SC, and died Apr 19, 1895 in Oconee Co. SC of typhoid. He married DICY (DESSIE) MALISSA CRAIG?, * Abt. 1857 in SC. She was born Apr 17, 1837 in South Carolina, and died in Oconee Co. SC. Notes for JOHN (E.) REDMOND WEST, *: Jim Green said the Wests originally lived right across the road from Village Creek School. Barney, Arch, and Doc moved the house to where it is today and Jack Lombard lives there. Not on Pickens Dist. 1860 Census? 1870 Oconee Census, White Water Township, page 13, house #5, 7/25/1870 next door to his father. West, John R. 39 M Farmer D.M. 34 F Keeping House Mary M. 10 F E.J. 9 F J.A.T. 5 M M.C. 3 F R. S. 2 M 1880 Oconee Co. SC Census White Water Twp. page 11, June 1880, West, Redmon M 48 Farmer Married Malissea F 43 Wife, Keeping house M Malissea F 20 daughter, School Jane F 18 daughter, School J. Tilmon M 15 son, School M. Catherine F 13 daughter, School R. Samuel M 11 son, School Emily F 9 daughter, School W. Gordan M 8 son, School A. Columbus M 7 son Cora F 5 daughter Rody F 3 daughter Doctor M 1 son 1880 Census Place Whitewater, Oconee, South Carolina Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Redmond WEST Self M Male W 48 SC Farmer SC SC Malissa WEST Wife M Female W 43 SC Keeping House SC SC M. Malissa WEST Dau S Female W 20 SC At Home SC SC Jane WEST Dau S Female W 18 SC At Home SC SC J.Tilman WEST Son S Male W 15 SC Farming SC SC M.Cathrine WEST Dau S Female W 13 SC At Home SC SC R.Samuel WEST Son S Male W 11 SC Farming SC SC Emily WEST Dau S Female W 9 SC SC SC W.Gorden WEST Son S Male W 8 SC SC SC A.Columbus WEST Son S Male W 7 SC SC SC D.Cora WEST Dau S Female W 5 SC SC SC Rody WEST Dau S Female W 3 SC SC SC Doctor WEST Son S Male W 1 SC SC SC Source Information: Family History Library Film 1255236 NA Film Number T9-1236 Page Number 444C More About JOHN (E.) REDMOND WEST, *: Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 Notes for DICY (DESSIE) MALISSA CRAIG?, *: Laodicia More About DICY (DESSIE) MALISSA CRAIG?, *: Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 More About JOHN WEST and DICY CRAIG?: Marriage: Abt. 1857, SC Children of JOHN WEST and DICY CRAIG? are: i. JAMES4 WEST, b. 1858. ii. MARY MALISSA WEST, b. 1860. iii. ELIZABETH JANE WEST, b. 1862. iv. JOHN TILMON WEST, b. 1864. v. ROBERT SAMUEL WEST, b. Abt. 1866. vi. MARTHA (MATTIE) CATHERINE WEST, *, b. May 11, 1868, Georgia; d. Jul 03, 1908, Oconee Co. S.C having baby; m. WILLIAM MILES FOWLER, *; b. Apr 22, 1869, Oconee Co. S.C; d. May 26, 1937, Anderson Co. SC. More About MARTHA (MATTIE) CATHERINE WEST, *: Burial: Neville Cem. across from Rocky Knoll Baptist Ch. Walhalla, S.C. Notes for WILLIAM MILES FOWLER, *: Keowee Courier: Fowler married Mattie C. [West] MB27 MB# = Maiden Name Book cross-reference page William M. M: Mattie C. West MB27 Stories as per Jim Green's interview. Will bought land from Middleton McNichols near the West homeplace near the Greens near Milltown, SC. He left his 2nd wife with his children and went back to home in the mountains because she was a nag. She came after him and he went back to Walhalla with her. He also was bad to drink when he was in the mountains and he had a stroke while there one time. More About WILLIAM MILES FOWLER, *: Date born 2: Cemetery Book says 1871 Burial: Neville Cem. across from Rocky Knoll Baptist Ch. Walhalla, S.C. Residence: Bought Land from the West family off Rt. 107. vii. WILLIAM G. WEST, b. 1872. viii. ARCHIE COLUMBUS WEST, b. 1873. ix. CORA D. WEST, b. 1875. x. RHODA O. WEST, b. May 30, 1877; d. Oct 11, 1895, Oconee Co. SC. More About RHODA O. WEST: Burial: West Cem. North of Oconee St. Park on Rt.107 Fact 1: Died of Typhoid xi. DOCTOR M. WEST, b. 1879. xii. BARNEY WEST, b. Aft. 1880. ---------- Jack Lombard's parents bought my John West property and he still lived in the old West cabin which his father built their house around. He and his wife is buried in our West Cemetery which is just west of the home which is on hwy 107 just north of Oconee State Park. Jack Thomas Lombard, age 87, of Mountain Rest, passed peacefully at his lifelong residence before dawn on Monday, September 1, 2014. He was the son of Oly Ernest and Beulah Dillard Lombard, both deceased. Mr. Lombard was married to Betty Jo Henry Lombard for 45 years prior to her passing in 1999. Their children are Tommy Lombard & wife, Phyllis, of Mountain Rest SC, Eddie Lombard, MD of Los Angeles CA (deceased), Ernie Lombard of Mountain Rest, and Beth Lombard of Mountain Rest and San Francisco CA. In 2007, he married Carrie Lou McMahan Lombard (deceased, 2011). In addition to his surviving children and grandson Zachary Lombard of Mountain Rest, Mr. Lombard is survived by siblings Elizabeth Lombard, MD and Will Lombard, both of Rockwell NC. He was predeceased by siblings Ruth Lombard Oliver, Dorothy Lombard Yates, Katherine Lazelle Lombard Vielle, and Leon Lombard. Mr. Lombard was a graduate of Walhalla High School (class of 1945), a World War II veteran of the United States Navy, and a retiree from the Walhalla National Fish Hatchery after 33 years of service. He was a lifelong member of Monte Vista Baptist Church where he served as a deacon & a trustee. He was a founder of the Mountain Rest Community Club & Mountain Rest Hillbilly Day, and served his community through memberships in numerous organizations and committees. A friend of many, he was known for his pit-cooked BBQ; hunting, wildlife, & agricultural knowledge; old-time heritage storytelling; and involvement in the Oconee State Park square dances.Mr. Lombard took pride in living off the land, and sharing the bounty & his experiences with others; he often said that he "didn't change with the times." Having had the privilege of visiting all fifty United States, he always called Mountain Rest "the best place I've seen". In accordance with his wishes, Mr. Lombard was laid to rest prior to sundown on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 with a private burial on family property. A memorial service celebrating his life will be held at 2pm on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at "The Barn" at Oconee State Park. Gifts in memoriam may be made, in the name of Jack T Lombard, to The Oconee State Park Endowment, 624 State Park Road, Mountain Rest SC 29664; or Monte Vista Baptist Church Building Fund, 110 Verner Mill Road, Mountain Rest SC 29664. - See more at: Jack Thomas Lombard's Obituary on The Greenville News By: David S Payne TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife (22) Unknown field-stone marked graves CHASTAIN, Hannah, d. 6-apr-1895, sister of john r. west J.R.W., footstone for john r. west LOMBARD, Bety Jo Henry, b. 29-sep-1934, d. 25-mar-1999, h. jack lombard LOMBARD, Jack, w. bety jo lombard R.B. WEST, Dicy M., 17-apr-1837, h. j.r. west WEST, John R. WEST, John Redmon, b. 9-aug-1831, d. 13-apr-1895, died from typhoid WEST, Otis P., b. 29-nov-1900, d. 17-sep-1901, f. a.j. west WEST, Ronda O. WEST, Ronda O., b. 30-may-1830/77, d. 11-dec-1895, p. dicy m. & john r. west, died from typhoid